Nthejane's Story
For Nthejane, walking from her village to her school was all but impossible as a young girl – the terrain was simply too difficult to navigate. As she grew older she became capable of making the long trek on her own, and began attending school. However, she was forced to miss many valuable days when she was menstruating, as she had no supplies to manage her period. Often she relied on torn tshirts; Her mother could not always afford disposable sanitary products. Between her delayed start and frequent missed days, Nthejane is only in grade 6 despite being 15 years old.
Needless to say, Nthejane was overjoyed to participate in Adolescent Girls Training at Help Lesotho, where she learned important information about her reproductive health, HIV prevention, and – perhaps most excitingly - received a washable sanitary kit. She insists that she will take perfect care of her kit so that it lasts her the full three years. Nthejane wants to be a teacher someday, and knows she must not miss so many days of school if she wants to achieve her dream.
“The sanitary kit will make me just like the other girls. I learned so much at the training, things my mother did not like to discuss with me. I am thinking I can stay in school many more days now.”
Proceeds from the sale of Pearls4Girls jewellery help support girls like Nthejane!