Makatleho's Story
Before joining the Computer and Life Skills program at Help Lesotho, Makatleho had never used a computer before. In fact, on the first day of class she didn’t even know how to turn the computer on. Once she was shown how to turn on and start the computer, she thought it was like a touch screen phone and tried to touch the monitor to open a program! Now, Makatleho can type, and use Microsoft Excel and Word. Excel in particular was so important to her because she is a small business owner and currently keeping all records in a notebook. Makatleho owns both a bar and a hostel, and said it was challenging to track her stock by hand. Now that she knows how to make calculations and enter data in Excel, she predicts her business will grow, and her work will become easier.
Learning about communication was one of the most important Life Skills for Makatleho. She says, “Communication is everything. In everything we do, we have to communicate.” Prior to learning about communication in the Life Skills sessions, Makatleho struggled to communicate with her family but now feels equipped to do exactly that.